Project Examples


Since our inception in 1996 we have completed projects in 15 different states from New York to Florida and Washington to California. We have successfully completed over 1,300 separate task orders valued at $23,000,000. Our client list includes U-Haul Corporation, City of Los Angeles (Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Bureau of Sanitation and Department of Recreation and Parks), Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), City of Santa Monica, Yolo County, and local real estate development firms and family trusts. Below are three examples of projects in the Los Angeles area we have completed.

Former Bray Terminal - San Pedro, CA

Pinnacle performed a complete site investigation of this bulk terminal used for Jet-A fuel distribution. Pinnacle performed several phases of site investigation to document the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil and groundwater. Pinnacle then performed a complete site demolition, including the removal of two 100,000-barrel above ground tanks (ASTs), a 10,000-gallon diesel underground storage tank (UST) and related piping. Monitoring the site periphery for airborne lead-based paint shed from the ASTs was required during demolition. Pinnacle excavated 2,800 cubic yards of material for disposal and conducted groundwater pumping and monitoring until regulatory closure was achieved. The property was turned over to a developer for construction of a Home Depot.

Rockwood Park Brownfields - Los Angeles, CA 

Pinnacle was contracted by the City to conduct a preliminary site assessment at the subject site. The assessment consisted of trenching, potholes, soil sampling, and a soil vapor survey. Pinnacle identified high concentrations of up to 56% of methane vapors and significant crude oil soil contamination. Pinnacle excavated and removed 1,350 tons of hydrocarbon-impacted soil from the project area. A previously undocumented oil well was discovered during the excavation work. Pinnacle permitted the well abandonment with the California Department of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR). Pinnacle successfully abandoned the oil well in accordance with current standards. The well was determined to be the source of the high methane levels observed in the soil. We also demolished and removed the foundations of several residential structures along with 2 retaining walls in preparation for final site grading. Regulatory case closure was granted and the site was redeveloped as a pocket park. Pinnacle completed this project on time and well under budget.

Valley Boulevard Grade Separation - Los Angeles, CA

Pinnacle conducted several phases of both environmental and geotechnical soil and groundwater testing to obtain the information required for the City of Los Angeles to design and construct a new overpass and eliminated the surface grade crossing of the Union Pacific Railroad at Valley Boulevard. The at-grade crossing was very dangerous and created large traffic jams due to high volume of train traffic. Pinnacle installed several groundwater monitoring wells and soil borings in the streets, along the railroad right-of-way and on various private properties in the project area. Our work identified a pre-existing plume of contaminated groundwater in the area of the originally proposed undercrossing. This work allowed the City to change to the overcrossing concept and avoided long delays and high costs to remediate the contaminated groundwater in the proposed undercrossing area. The project was successfully completed within the proposed budget and the grade crossing project provided much needed relief in the area.
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